Rocky Shoreline - A New Painting

​Rocky Shoreline

Another Maine scene. I love the rocks and really enjoyed painting them. The wildness of the place attracted me. The strewn boulders with the ground cover making its way into and through the rock on the ground was interesting to me. A lot of depth in this painting with the water in the background.

Scottish Beauty

Scottish Beauty, my newest painting. From a photograph that my nephew took on his travels in Scotland, he told me that this was a landscape they particularly loved. I tried to create depth in the painting to emphasize the mountains in the distance. The sky and its reflection was fun to paint. One of these days I’ll get to Scotland to see this in person.

Mono Lake #2

Another Mono Lake view, this time looking toward Mt. Whitney in CA. I love the contrast between the dark, cold mountain and the hot, white salt pillars. The transition between the two, from foreground warmth to distant cold adds depth to the scene.

2024, Pastel on Lux Archival paper, clear gesso

9.5 x 13, $300

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